Plans got under way on Sunday night for a Youth Rally to be held on Sunday, March 6, at 5 p.m. at the Elizabethtown Middle School. the theme for the event is “This Is My Story.”
Cheryl West led the planning session for a proposed youth rally for Bladen County which is based on the scripture 1 Corinthians 9:22.
“Young people sometimes think they are too far gone. The Bible verse for the theme tells them no matter how far gone you think you are, God still loves you,” said West.
West moderated a discussion among those in attendance that included of the details of the rally which include David Pait of Real Word Outdoors and Steven Cox as speakers.
Individuals are still being sought to perform as well as to share their story with the youth who will be in attendance. Churches that were represented offered to lend their support by providing food, beverages and other items needed.
A discussion was held on how to get the word out to the youth of Bladen County. West stressed the event is for all youth but most especially, she wants to reach out to the youth who are unchurched.
Those present for the meeting volunteered to circulate flyers and notify churches in the county of the event.
“You don’t know how precious this to me. You don’t know how much these young mean to me,” said West.
One group volunteered to make gift bags for the youth that attend the rally. There was also discussion on banner and flyer designs and the possibility of using direct mailers to reach all households in Bladen County.
There will be another planning meeting held on Sunday, Feb. 7, at the Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church PAC building at 4 p.m. to continue planning for the event.