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Steven Pfaff, Warning Coordination Meteorologist with the National Weather Service out of Wilmington released an updated overview of the potential tropical cyclone nine today. He stated, “Some relatively small changes were made to the forecast with the latest NHC advisory including a slight shift in the track to the west. Regardless – greater than normal long range uncertainty exists given this system remains ill-defined and will likely experience land interactions as it moves toward the west-northwest.”
Some key point to consider include:
  • greater than normal forecast uncertainty remains, particularly in the long range time frame, given this system is in formative stages and potential land interactions exist
  • it remains too early to determine if the Carolinas will receive any impacts
  • people in the Carolinas should closely monitor the evolution of this tropical disturbance

The overview report is below:



Be prepared this hurricane season. Below are seven tips to help you be prepared for the season.

Know your risk. Visit FEMA’s Flood Map Service Center to learn your risk of flooding.

Stay informed. Download an emergency weather app on your phone. Purchase a weather radio.

Plan to evacuate. Know your community’s evacuation plan, evacuation routes and how to receive alerts.

Build an emergency kit. Keep it ready at home, at work and in the car.

Buy flood insurance. Most home insurance policies do not cover flooding. National Flood Insurance Program policies take 30 days from the date of purchase to go into effect. To learn more about protecting your home, visit www.floodsmart.gov.

Protect your documents. Keep computers and important documents in a waterproof container. Remember to create password-protected digital copies.

Protect your property. Move valuables to higher levels.

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