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By: Rep. Brenden Jones
Last week was a short but busy week in the General Assembly. Below is a summary of key bills I introduced or sponsored, key actions taken by committees on which I serve, and key House votes.

News Clips
Key Bills Sponsored / Introduced

HB636: Sale of Salvage Vehicle/No Inspection
HB666: Revise Volunteer Fire Department Req’ts
HB708: Require Criminal BGC/Pharmacist Licensure

Key Committee Actions

HB68: BRIGHT Futures Act (discussion only)
HB443: Auto Dealers/Continuing Education (reported favorably)
HB298: 00 Alcohol Restriction—All DWI (reported favorably)

Key House Votes

HB206: NC Cancer Treatment Fairness (Passed; I voted in favor)
HB243: Strengthen Opioid Misuse Prevention (STOP) Act. (Passed; I voted in favor)
SB68: Bipartisan Bd of Elections and Ethics Enforce (Passed; I voted in favor)

Photo Gallery 

Rep. Jones speaking to the Whiteville Rotary Club on Apr. 13.

Week in Review


Met with staff and colleagues to discuss a bill.

Also met with various members and discussed wildlife-related issues.

Session began at 5 p.m. and we voted on various bills, including:  HB223 (voted in favor), HB300 (voted in favor) and HB206 (voted in favor).


Tuesday morning the ABC Committee met and we held discussions but not votes on HB460 and HB500.

At 10 a.m. I attended the Regulatory Reform Committee, where HB443 (of which I am a primary sponsor) was heard and passed.  It has now been referred to the Finance Committee.

Next, I headed over to the Transportation Committee at 11 a.m.  We voted on a few bills including HB94 (voted in favor) and HB418 (voted in favor).  At 1 p.m. I attended the Energy and Public Utilities Committee where HB68 was heard for discussion only.  I am a co-primary sponsor of this legislation.

Session was held at 2 p.m.  We voted on various bills including:  HB228 (voted in favor), SB68 (voted in favor), HB501 (voted in favor).

After session, the legislature adjourned through April 18, 2017.  No committee meetings or votes will be held until we reconvene on April 19, 2017.

If you have questions or comments about other issues, please feel free to call my legislative assistant, Andrew Bailey, at 919-733-5821 or jonesla@ncleg.net.

Author: bladenonline

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