An update of road openings / closings for Bladen County is as follows:
NC 211 East
NC 211 East will open around 3pm this afternoon.
SR 1336 (Owen Hill Road)
SR 1336 (Owen Hill Road) remains closed due to construction of a double line of cast in place reinforced concrete box culvert. Anticipating completion mid-May.
SR 1003 (Twisted Hickory Road)
Beginning Monday morning (5/1/17), SR 1003 (Twisted Hickory Road) will be closed 0.4 miles south of SR 1134 (Burney Road). The road will be closed the remainder of next week in order to replace a crossline pipe.
SR 1132 (Ballpark Road)
Beginning Monday morning (5/1/17), SR 1132 (Ballpark Road) west of Bladenboro will be closed to replace two crosslines. The first crossline is located at NC 211 Business with work taking place Monday / Tuesday. The second replacement is located 0.37 miles east of NC 211 Business with work taking place Wednesday / Thursday.
Elwell Ferry is NOT operating due to high water. River forecasts are predicting the levels to remain at least through the end of next week.