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Through a partnership with New Hanover County, The Salvation Army is distributing relief supplies to Wilmington and Cape Fear area residents impacted by Hurricane Florence.

During the first day of distribution at the Community Recovery Resource Center in Wilmington, The Salvation Army provided:

–          Clean-up Kits: 961

–          Food Boxes: 971

–          Tarps: 349

–          Cases of Water: 749

–          Infant Items: 304

–          Clothing Vouchers: 232

Clean-up kits included mops, brooms, bleach, gloves, and other much-needed items to help those whose homes were damaged when the storm came through or during the flooding that followed.

“We couldn’t help so many people without the community coming together to serve,” says Major Mark Craddock, Administrator for The Salvation Army in the Wilmington/Cape Fear region. “Between government agencies, nonprofit partners, donors, and volunteers, it truly takes an army to meet the need.”

The resource center houses federal, state, and local agencies that are providing relief services, including Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP), FEMA Disaster Recovery, and area nonprofits.

To receive a voucher for supplies or clothing, area residents can visit the Community Recovery Resource Center located at the former Sears store at Independence Mall in Wilmington. Additional location details and hours of operation are available at www.EmegencyNHC.com.

How to Help
The best way to help after a disaster is to make a financial donation. Monetary donations allow disaster responders to immediately meet the specific needs of disaster survivors as the situation continues to be assessed.

Online: www.HelpSalvationArmy.org

Donate by phone: 1-800-SAL-ARMY

Mail checks to: The Salvation Army, P.O. BOX 1959, Atlanta, GA 30301. Please designate ‘2018 Hurricane Season – Florence’ on all checks.

To receive a donation link via text: Text STORM to 51555

Author: bladenonline

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