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CryOutAmericaSeptember 11th will be a day that will never be forgotten. It seemed as if America just stopped and stood still. A day when it did not matter who you were or where you came from, not even what color your skin was. It did not matter who were the rich and who were the poor. What seemed to matter was that we needed God in our nation, people came together in love and not hate, denomination was not of importance and people flocked to the churches and cried out to God.  A day that will be in our hearts forever. A day of hatred shown toward the United States of America.

What happened??? Did we forget the hatred that took so many lives and changed families from that day forth or did it just simply seem to fade away. Do we find ourselves saying, “oh I remember that day” as if it was simply just a day 15 years ago. 

Here we are, 2016 ….  We still need God more than ever, We still need to come together in Love and the hatred for Americans is still continuing to grow not only from outside the US, but also within. Will it always take a tragedy?

On Sunday, September 11, at 6 p.m. at the Bladen County Courthouse there will be a time of prayer in remembrance of 9/11 and the tragedy that our great nation endured on that day. Please invite family and friends and let’s come together and “Cry Out to God” for forgiveness and togetherness within our nation. That God will heal our land, unite our families and the importance of hiding God’s Word in our hearts will become our greatest desire.

It starts with YOU!!

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