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Dear Bladen County Residents,

I once heard a question asked, “How Many Times Must a Lie be Told before it Becomes the Truth?”  Well, the fact is that a lie will always be a lie and the truth will always be the truth.  I am writing you today to set the record straight & to tell you the truth exposing a lie that is being propagated around our county by those trying to discredit me personally and professionally.
I have the privilege of serving as a Bladen County Baptist Minister and as a County Commissioner. I take my responsibility in both of these roles very, very seriously. I will always do my best to maintain my integrity and my Christian testimony as I serve you.
A vicious rumor is circulating around our county that I was a part of the January 6“Insurrection” at the capital in Washington. The fact is, I was in DC on that day by invitation of Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council. I, along with a small group of ministers from across the nation, gathered at the state department to pray with our then Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. We spent our time there praying for our nation and discussing the issues of the day. As our meeting concluded, I walked out of the state department feeling so very humbled and honored for the experience of that day. My cell phone was returned to me as I checked out of the state department and I made my way back toward Bladen County. As I headed out of Washington, I began hearing reports of what was taking place at the capital. While we may never know the actual order of events of that fateful day, I do know this – I was safe & secure inside of the State Department far from the activities at the capitol building.
I usually do not respond to allegations, however, by failing to call the bluff of the political bullies, I would be giving in to their dominance & would be complicit in their misleading behavior.
I would ask you to share this note with your friends & neighbors.  The only way to diffuse a lie is by infusing the truth into the conversation.
One last thing – maybe you have seen our church signs & wondered why we have worship at the LAKE Church at 8:32 AM.  Well, it’s because of John 8:32 which assures us that “You Shall Know the Truth & the Truth Shall Set You Free”. Never forget that the same Truth that frees the Innocent will condemn the Guilty!
Now you know the Truth about my involvement in the January 6 events in Washington, DC…
Cameron McGill
Pastor & Commissioner

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