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Incorrect and outdated posts made on social media can lead to confusion and tempers flaring. We understand this does not only happen to BladenOnline.com, and we want to make people aware of the issues.

  1. Posts need to be relevant. Sometimes posts shared on social media are from the past and are outdated. Once updated, the information shared may not be correct. Investigate the report’s date to make sure the information is still relevant before posting.
  2. Search before sharing. Make sure posts about a missing person, road closings and other information are up-to-date and accurate. Share the most recent articles on the issue at hand.
  3. Make sure the photo goes with the information. The old saying “A picture is worth a thousand words,” is true. If a photo and its headline do not speak the same language, please think before sharing it, it may cause issues.

Recently, BladenOnline.com articles have been shared on social media causing confusion and what appears to be false reports. Some reports shared are not current. At other times the headline did not match the photo with the post.

BladenOnline.com is committed to our community and dedicated to honest, fair reporting.

Please help us in the search for truth by thinking about the three items above before posting on social media.

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