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Today, Thursday March 19, 2020 is the first day of Spring. Also today, Climate.gov released the Spring Outlook forecasts for the predicted temperatures, precipitation and flood risk for the Spring season. Minor flooding is predicted for North Carolina.

Also, warmer-than-average temperatures are most likely from coast to coast, according to NOAA Weather. NOAA Weather is a nationwide network of radio stations broadcasting continuous weather information directly from National Weather Service (NWS) offices across the country.

Watch a video of the forecast here:

The flood risk outlook is based on an integrated evaluation of a number of factors, including current conditions of snowpack, drought, soil moisture, frost depth, streamflow and precipitation.

“People depend on the National Weather Service’s river forecasts, and the accurate and timely streamflow data from more than 8,400 streamgages operated by the U.S. Geological Survey throughout the country play an integral part in making those forecasts,” said Bob Holmes, Jr., Ph.D, USGS National Flood Coordinator. “These streamgages report information like when streams have reached flood stage or even when they break streamflow records. That kind of data allows the National Weather Service to bring the best science to bear for their forecasts.”

“NOAA stands ready to provide timely and accurate forecasts and warnings throughout the spring,” said Neil Jacobs, Ph.D., acting NOAA administrator. “The dedicated employees of the National Weather Service continue to apply their skills and the latest technology to monitor additional rainfall, rising river levels, and the threat of severe weather to keep the public ahead of any weather hazard.”

Spring will end on Saturday, June 20, 2020.


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