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Raleigh, N.C. – The State Board of Elections on Friday signed off on the 2020 presidential primary candidates nominated by North Carolina’s five recognized political parties – Constitution, Democratic, Green, Libertarian and Republican.


The State Board also voted unanimously to add Joe Walsh and Bill Weld to the ballot for the Republican presidential primary after requests were made by those campaigns.


In North Carolina, the State Board has the authority to place additional candidates on the ballot if at least three Board members find that the individual is “generally advocated and recognized in the news media throughout the United States or in North Carolina as candidates for the nomination by that party.”


The 2020 primary election is March 3.


The following are candidates from the five recognized political parties that will appear on primary ballots:


Constitution Party of North Carolina

Don Blankenship

Charles Kraut


North Carolina Democratic Party

Michael Bennet
Joseph F. Biden
Michael R. Bloomberg
Cory Booker
Pete Buttigieg
Julian Castro
John K. Delaney
Tulsi Gabbard
Amy Klobuchar
Deval Patrick
Bernie Sanders
Tom Steyer
Elizabeth Warren
Marianne Williamson
Andrew Yang


Green Party of North Carolina

Howie Hawkins


Libertarian Party of North Carolina

Max Abramson

Ken Armstrong

Dan Berhman

Kenneth Blevins

Souraya Faas

Erik Gerhardt

Jedidiah Hill

Jacob Hornberger

Jo Jorgenson

Adam Kokesh

John McAffee

James Orlando Ogle

Steve Richey

Kim Ruff

Vermin Supreme

Arvin Vohra


Republican Party of North Carolina

Donald J. Trump

Joe Walsh

Bill Weld


Pursuant to G.S. § 163-213.5, presidential candidates may also be nominated by petition. Any person seeking the endorsement by a national political party may submit a petition signed by 10,000 qualified voters who are affiliated with the same political party as the person for whom the petition is filed.


For more information, view the State Board of Elections’ guide for Running for President.

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