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CameraDo you enjoy taking pictures? Like going on a scavenger hunt? Need some new outdoors gear?

Jones Lake State Park and Singletary Lake State Park in Bladen County are among North Carolina State Parks participating in a photo scavenger hunt challenge.

Here’s how the contest works: Visit any state park, including Jones Lake and Singletary Lake, and photograph 12 of the 15 items on the scavenger hunt list, then email your reduced-size photos to NCParkPhotoHunt@gmail.com prior to the next scheduled raffle drawing on April 22. All completed entries will be submitted into the drawing.

Items on the scavenger hunt list include: park sign, picture of yourself with a park staff member, blaze or marker from a trail you hiked, water, weather, unique habitat within the park, beautiful view, historic feature, wildlife, plant life, insect life, park building, invasive species of plant or animal, piece of litter you picked up and disposed, and one picture of anything of interest.

First prize is a $50 REI gift card, REI tent and a free one-night camping pass at the State Park of your choice. Second prize is a $30 REI gift card and REI gear. Third prize is a $20 REI gift card. There also will be more drawings for gear.

Rules state that you can have only one entry per park, but you can visit multiple parks and have separate entries from each park.

Before visiting a park, it’s suggested that you check on operating hours and entrance polices. Jones Lake State Park is open from 8 a.m. to 8 .m. each day. Singletary Lake State Park is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with public access dependent upon group camp reservations.

For information, call Jones Lake at 588-4550 or Singletary Lake at 669-2928.

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