new years resolutions
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new years resolutionsNew Year’s resolutions are fun to make but extremely difficult to maintain.  Every January, roughly one in three Americans take part in the annual tradition of making resolutions.  Only a small percentage of people actually stay true to their resolutions. A study shows about 75% of people stick to their goals for at least a week, less than half are still on target six months later. Tiffany McGill, Healthworks Fitness and Wellness Manager, said, “We know these struggles and want to help.”  This article will give you some tips on how to stick to your goals.

To lose weight is among the most popular resolutions.  It is often seen as just too difficult commit to. But you can succeed if you don’t expect too much too soon. Looking for overnight results makes desperation mode kick in and then you lose the battle.  Set small goals each week.  Write a journal of how you are exercising and eating right.

There will be bumps in the road. McGill says, “This is when you phone a friend. It’s important to have someone there on a regular basis to get you through those rough times.”  When you have a support system in place to help you with your new goals, success is always more obtainable.

To quit smoking is another healthy resolution to make.  Don’t let pass failures stop you from trying again. Talk to any ex-smoker, and you’ll see that multiple attempts are often the path to success. Try different methods to find out what works for you. Count the money you save after you quit.  The health benefits of quitting are something else to count to help remind you of why you want to quit.

A little pressure now and again won’t kill us; in fact, short bouts of stress give us an energy boost. But if stress is chronic, it can increase your risk of insomnia, depression, obesity, heart disease and more.

Cutting your stress may be on your list of things to do this year. Long work hours, little sleep, no exercise, poor diet, and not spending time with family and friends can contribute to stress. “Stress is an inevitable part of life,” McGill says.  Relaxation, sleep, socializing, and taking vacations are all things that will help reduce stress.  Judith Brogdon, a Licensed Massage Therapist, with Total Concept Massage & Skin Care can help relax your muscles with a deep tissue massage.  Remember we have to take care of ourselves.

It’s hard to keep up the enthusiasm month after month, but it’s not impossible. The key is to take it one day at a time.Healthworks Fitness and Wellness wants to help you stay healthy this new year.  We now have a special, join between now and until January 31st, 2015 and get your first month free with no application fee.  Stop in and see us for more details. Here’s to your health!

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