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USDAThe Farm Loan Teams are working on operating loans for spring 2018 so it is important that potential borrowers submit their requests early so they can be timely processed. The Farm Loan Team can help determine which loan programs are best for applicants.


FSA offers a wide range of low-interest loans that can meet the financial needs of any farm operation for just about any purpose.  The traditional farm operating and farm ownership loans can help large and small farm operations take advantage of early purchasing discounts for spring inputs as well expenses throughout the year.


Microloans are a simplified loan program that will provide up to $50,000 to eligible applicants. These loans, targeted for smaller operations and non-traditional operations, can be used for operating expenses, starting a new agricultural enterprise, purchasing equipment, and other needs associated with a farming operation. The Farm Loan Teams can provide more details on farm operating and microloans and provide loan applications. Loans to beginning farmers and members of underserved groups are a priority.

Please call the Bladen County office if you have questions about any of the loans available through FSA.​

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