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The first day of summer still is more than three weeks away, but the last week of May is going to feel a lot like late July or early August.

The National Weather Service is forecasting temperatures in the upper 90s to 100 degrees through Thursday with virtually no chance of rain in Bladen County.

Memorial Day is expected to have a high of near 97 with northwesterly winds between 5 and 9 mph.

Tuesday will feature more of the same with Wednesday’s expected high temperature to hit the century mark. Is the difference between 97 degrees and 100 degrees really noticeable?

Thursday’s high is expected to be about 98 with a “cooling” period Friday and Saturday when temperatures dip to 94 and 92, respectively.

Although not declared an official heat advisory by the National Weather Service, the high temperatures can be dangerous during overexertion, dehydration or prolonged exposure to the sun.

If outside, it’s recommended to take breaks, stay hydrated, wear loose, light colored clothing, and seek shade. It’s important to avoid overdoing outside activities.

Visit https://www.weather.gov/safety/heat for the following information.

It is NEVER safe to leave a toddler, disabled person or pet locked in a car, even in the winter. The first toddler death in 2018 occurred in February!

Cars can heat up quickly when left in the sun. Find out more.

North American summers are hot. Sometimes spring and fall temperatures reach dangerous levels as well. Most summers see heat waves in one or more parts of the United States. Heat is one of the leading weather-related killers in the United States, resulting in hundreds of fatalities each year and even more heat-related illnesses. In addition to the resources below, OSHA offers a free OSHA Heat Safety App for both Android and iPhone.

The website is designed to inform you about the health dangers of heat, prepare you for excessive heat events, and tell you what to do during an excessive heat wave. You will find vital information about the dangers of leaving children, pets or anyone with limited mobility alone in a car even for a few minutes in what might seem like mild weather. Children locked in cars have died in December and in 70 degree weather, even with a window left open a little.

You also will find information about protecting yourself from excessive heat, educational materials and specifics on how the National Weather Service keeps you aware of potentially dangerous situations. NWS tries to make learning fun with games and activities to help educate your children about the dangers of heat and provide you with links for more information. Spanish language outreach materials are also available.

Learn from real life heat victims.

You also can see our heat safety videos. If you, or someone you know, has been a victim of excessive heat, please share your story so we can prevent others from becoming a heat victim. When you write, please note that NWS has permission to use your story and, if possible, let us know the town and state you were in and the year the event took place.

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