By: Erin Smith
BladenOnline.com will be offering a Community Thanksgiving meal on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, at 1 p.m. at the Ruritan Building in White Oak, across the old White Oak school at 9579 Hwy NC 53.
“We here at BladenOnline.com are looking forward to spending time with our community members this Thanksgiving. I want to invite anyone who doesn’t have a place planned to eat on Thanksgiving Day, come join us,” said Charlotte Smith.
Thanksgiving is a time of the year when many folks gather round the table to a home-cooked meal with family and friends. But, for some folks, thanksgiving is a lonely time of the year because their family members live far away; they have no family, they are homeless or they simply don’t have enough food to eat.
BladenOnline.com, some churches and other caring people around Bladen County are reaching out in the hopes of making the holiday a little brighter for others.
There are still communities in our rural areas that don’t have a Thanksgiving Dinner project. Bladen Online wants to facilitate a meal in every Bladen County community if possible. Any volunteers are welcome to join us in service to others.
–In Bladenboro Living Water Worship Center located at 55 Clyde King Drive, Bladenboro, will be serving a meal on Thanksgiving Day at 2 p.m.
–In Clarkton Pas. Shannon Owens Ross said the God’s Bounty Thanksgiving meal will be served at Clarkton United Methodist Church located on US Hwy 701 south, Clarkton. The meal will be served on Thanksgiving Day from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. She said anyone is welcome.
–In Elizabethtown, Open Door Ministries with assistance from Elizabethtown Baptist Church, Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church, Singletary Methodist Church, Richardson’s Baptist Church, Love Grove Baptist church and St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church will be serving a meal on Thanksgiving Day from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.
The meal will be served at Open Door Ministries located at 2704 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown.
If your business, church or community organization is having a Thanksgiving community outreach event, contact Bladen Online at bladenonline.com@gmail.com or by calling 910.876.5393 or 910.876.5830.
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