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This Day In History1777 – British General Howe plots attack on Washington’s army for December 4.

1812 – James Madison re-elected President of the US, Elbridge Gerry, Vice-President.

1823 – President James Monroe declares his “Monroe Doctrine”, a US foreign policy regarding Latin America.

1859 – Abolitionist John Brown hung for murder, treason and conspiring slaves to revolt at Charles Town, Virginia.

1891 – 52nd Congress (1891-93) convenes.

1901 – King C. Gillette begins selling safety razor blades.

1927 – 1st Model A Ford sold, for $385.

1939 – NY’s La Guardia Airport began operation as an airliner from Chicago lands, 1 minute after midnight.

1944 – US 95th Infantry division occupies bridge at Saar.

1954 – US Senate censures Joseph McCarthy (Sen-R-Wisc) for “conduct that tends to bring Senate into dishonor & disrepute”

1957 – 1st US large scale nuclear power plant opens, Shippingport, Pennsylvania.

1968 – US President Richard Nixon names Henry Kissinger security advisor.

1969 – Boeing 747 jumbo jet 1st public preview (Seattle to NYC)

1979 – Foots Walker becomes 1st Cleveland Cavalier to score a triple-double.

1982 – 1st permanent artificial heart successfully implanted (U of Utah) in retired dentist Barney Clark; lived 112 days with Jarvic-7 heart.

1986 – Dow Jones index hits record 1,055.57.

1993 – Space shuttle STS-61 (Endeavour 5), launches.

2001 – Enron files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the Southern District of New York.

2014 – Stephen Hawking claims that Artificial Intelligence could be a “threat to mankind” and spell the end of the human race.

2016 – Donald Trump takes a call with Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen, in a break from America’s long standing “One China” policy.

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