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This Day In History

1766 – Stamp Act declared unconstitutional in Virginia.

1794 – 1st session of US Senate open to the public.

1809 – Robert Fulton patents steamboat.

1861 – President-elect Lincoln takes train from Springfield, IL to Washington, DC.

1916 – Baltimore Symphony Orchestra presents its 1st concert.

1916 – Emma Goodman arrested for lecturing on birth control.

1922 – “April Showers” by Al Jolson hits #1.

1932 – 73 degrees highest temperature ever recorded in Cleveland in February.

1937 – 44-day sit-down strike at General Motors in Flint, Michigan ends.

1942 – “Archie” comic books debuts.

1950 – “Rag Mop” by the Ames Brothers hits #1.

1964 – Beatles 1st live appearance in US: Washington, D.C. Coliseum.

1966 – San Francisco Giant Willie Mays signs highest contract, $130,000 per year.

1974 – Henry Kissinger unveils Nixon Administration’s seven-point “Project Independence” plan to make the US energy independent.

1979 – 43 million watch “Elvis!” on ABC.

1988 – Anthony M. Kennedy appointed to US Supreme Court.

1993 – Janet Reno selected by President Clinton as US Attorney General.

1998 – KVBC-FM (Las Vegas) offers Monica Lewinsky $5M for interview.

2007 – 49th Grammy Awards: Not Ready to Make Nice, Carrie Underwood wins.

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