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This Day In History1635 – 1st recorded north American hurricane hit the Plymouth Colony.

1848 – M Waldo Hanchett patents dental chair.

1893 – US no longer allowed exclusive rights in Bering Sea.

1906 – 1st freight deliver tunnel system begins, underneath Chicago.

1911 – Procter & Gamble unveils its Crisco shortening.

1914 – Panama Canal opens (under cost)

1923 – Mexico & US reach accord over oil concession of 1917.

1944 – US 7th Armour division reaches Chartres.

1945 – US wartime rationing of gasoline & fuel oil ends.

1945 – Victory over Japan Day, the Japanese surrender and the end of WWII is announced in Japan (due to time zones 14th August in the Americas)

1946 – Dumont TV Network (WABD NY) is launched in the US.

1955 – Hurricane Connie dissipates after killing 43 in NC, SC, Virginia & Maryland.

1971 – US President Richard Nixon announces 90-day freeze on wages, prices & rents.

1978 – US House of Representatives approves (233-169), 39-month extension for ERA.

1979 – Andrew Young resigns as US ambassador to the United Nations.

1988 – NYC begins $70 million program to rebuild 900 Bronx apartments.

1991 – 750,000 attend Paul Simon’s free concert in Central Park.

1993 – Televangelist Robert Tilton announces he is divorcing Marte.

1997 – Dow Jones drops 247.37 points.

2017 – Barack Obama’s tweet “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion…”in response to Charlottesville violence becomes most-liked tweet ever.

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