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This Day In History1762 – 1st female (Ann Franklin) US newspaper editor, Newport, Rhode Island, Mercury.

1848 – United States annexes New Mexico.

1865 – William Sheppard is issued the first US patent for liquid soap.

1901 – Cadillac Motor Company is founded.

1906 – 1st Victor Victrola manufactured.

1921 – J. Edgar Hoover becomes Assistant Director of the FBI.

1945 – Vietnam conflict begins as Ho Chi Minh leads a successful coup.

1956 – US President Eisenhower and VP Richard Nixon re-nominated by Republican convention in San Francisco.

1962 – Savannah, world’s 1st nuclear-powered ship, completes maiden voyage from Yorktown, Va, to Savannah,Ga.

1963 – NASA civilian test pilot Joe Walker in the X-15 rocket plane achieves a world record altitude of 354,200 feet (67 miles)

1964 – Supreme’s “Where Did Our Love Go” reaches #1.

1971 – J. Edgar Hoover and John Mitchell announce the arrest of 20 of the “Camden 28”.

1973 – Henry Kissinger succeeds William Rogers as Minister of Foreign Affairs.

1984 – Last Volkswagon Rabbit produced.

1984 – Republican convention in Dallas re-nominates President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George F.W. Bush.

1989 – 1st completed ring around Neptune discovered.

1990 – US President George H.W. Bush calls up military reserves.

2003 – Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore is suspended after refusing to comply with a federal court order to remove a rock inscribed with the Ten Commandments from the lobby of the Alabama Supreme Court building.

2007 – the Storm botnet, a botnet created by the Storm Worm, sends out a record 57 million e-mails in one day.

2017 – Missouri Governor Eric Greitens grants stay of execution for Marcellus Williams in light of possible new DNA evidence.

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