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This Day In History1732 – Benjamin Franklin under the name Richard Saunders begins publication of “Poor Richard’s Almanack”

1823 – Georgia passes 1st US state birth registration law in US.

1843 – “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens is published, 6,000 copies sold.

1871 – Albert L Jones of New York City patents corrugated paper.

1910 – Rayon 1st commercially produced in Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania.

1918 – Robert Ripley began his “Believe It or Not” column (NY Globe)

1933 – Electric Home & Farm Authority Inc, authorized.

1942 – Robert Stroud “Birdman of Alcatraz” is transferred to Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary.

1948 – 8th largest snowfall in NYC history(15.3″)

1950 – General Eisenhower named NATO commander.

1955 – Carl Perkins records “Blue Suede Shoes”

1962 – Transit 5A1, 1st operational navigational satellite, launched.

1972 – Apollo 17 (last of Apollo Moon landing series) returns to Earth.

1974 – Nelson Rockefeller is sworn as Vice President of the United States.

1980 – Iran requests $24 billion in US guarantees to free hostages.

1985 – Mary Lund is 1st woman to receive a Jarvik VII artificial heart at Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis.

1994 – Rolls-Royce announces its future cars will feature V12 engine which will be produced by BMW.

1998 – Lewinsky scandal: The United States House of Representatives forward articles 1 and III of impeachment against President Bill Clinton to the Senate.

2014 – The Guardian newspaper calls 2014 ‘The year the people stood up’

2016 – US electoral collage votes 304 to 227 to nominate Donald Trump for President over the objection of seven faithless electors.

Author: bladenonline

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