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1778 – 1st American military court martial trial begins, Cambridge, Mass.

1785 – Samuel Ellis advertises to sell Oyster Island (Ellis Island), no takers.

1788 – Pioneer African Baptist church organizes in Savannah, Ga.

1809 – 1st US geology book published by William Maclure.

1868 – Florida constitutional convention meets in Tallahassee.

1869 – Elizabeth Cady Stanton becomes 1st woman to testify before US Congress.

1887 – US Senate approves naval base lease of Pearl Harbor.

1892 – 1st basketball game played (Mass)

1920 – The American Civil Liberties Union is founded.

1930 – 1st radio broadcast of “Lone Ranger” (WXYZ-Detroit)

1937 – 1st US Presidential Inauguration day held on January 20th, (previously March 4th)

1945 – Franklin D. Roosevelt sworn-in for an unprecedented (and never to be repeated) 4th term as US President.

1961 – The Democrat J.F. Kennedy is inaugurated as President of the United States, the youngest every sworn in.

1969 – Richard M. Nixon (R) inaugurated as US President.

1972 – Six oil exporting countries conclude meetings with Western oil companies; an agreement is reached to raise the price of crude.

1981 – 52 Americans held hostage in Iran for 444 days freed.

1986 – 1st federal holiday honoring Martin Luther King, Jr.

1989 – Reagan becomes 1st president elected in a “0” year, since 1840, to leave office alive.

1993 – Bill Clinton inaugurated as 42nd US President.

2009 – Barack Obama, inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States of America, becomes the United States’ first African-American president.

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