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1804 – Twelfth Amendment to the US Constitution, establishing the procedure for electing the President and Vice President, ratified in Congress.

1844 – Charles Goodyear patents the vulcanization of rubber.

1871 – Phoebe Couzins is 1st woman graduate of a US collegiate law school.

1898 – US House of Representatives passes resolution to annex Hawaii.

1911 – Tabulating Computing Recording Corporation (IBM)) is incorporated.

1916 – Boy Scouts of American forms.

1924 – Ford Motor Company manufactures its 10 millionth automobile.

1924 – J. Edgar Hoover assumes leadership of the FBI.

1934 – Great Smokey Mountains National Park dedicated.

1944 – US forces begin invasion of Saipan in Pacific.

1955 – The Eisenhower administration stages the first annual “Operational Alert” (OPAL) exercise, an attempt to assess the USA’s preparation for a nuclear attack.

1967 – Governor Reagan signs liberalized California abortion bill.

1974 – “All the President’s Men” by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward detailing their Watergate investigation is published by Simon and Schuster in the US.

1982 – Supreme Court rules all children, regardless of citizenship, are entitled to a pubic education.

1983 – Supreme Court struck down state and local restrictions on abortion.

1990 – “Dick Tracy” with Warren Beatty & Madonna premieres.

2001 – ExxonMobil and Qatar Petroleum sign a letter of intent for a natural gas to liquids (GTL) project that would be the largest in the world.

2012 – Apple I computer sells for a record $374,500.

2015 – Real estate mogul Donald Trump launches his campaign for US President.

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