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This Day In History1797 – Charles Newbold patents 1st cast-iron plow, though farmers fear effects of iron on soil.

1848 – 1st pure food law enacted in US.

1894 – Karl Benz of Germany receives US patent for gasoline-driven auto.

1900 – Dr. Walter Reed begins research that beats Yellow Fever.

1916 – Cleveland Indians experiment with numbers on their jerseys (one game)

1924 – Ziegfeld Follies opens on Broadway.

1934 – FDR signs Federal Credit Union Act, establishing Credit Unions.

1945 – United Nations Charter signed by 50 nations in San Francisco.

1946 – Fred Allen’s last radio show, his guest is Jack Benny.

1968 – Iwo Jima & Bonin Islands returned to Japan by US.

1974 – The Universal Product Code is scanned for the first time to sell a package of Wrigley’s chewing gum at the Marsh Supermarket in Troy, Ohio.

1975 – U.S. Supreme Court’s rules unanimously in “O’Conner b. Donaldson” that non-dangerous people can’t be confined to psychiatric facilities without adequate treatment if able to live viably in outside society.

1977 – Elvis Presley sings in Indianapolis, the last performance of his career.

1989 – Supreme Court rules 16 year olds can receive death penalty.

1990 – 8 Kansas & Oklahoma radio stations boycott K.D. Lange, due to her anti-meat ad.

1992 – NYC’s MTA votes to ban cigarette ads on January 1, 1993.

1993 – The U.S. launches a cruise missile attack targeting Baghdad intelligence headquarters in retaliation for a thwarted assassination attempt against former President George H.W. Bush in April in Kuwait.

2008 – The U.S. Supreme Court rules in Lawrence v. Texas that gender-based sodomy laws are unconstitutional.

2015 – U.S. Supreme Court rules 5-4 same-sex marriage is a legal right across all US states.

2016 – Panama Canal’s third set of locks opens for commercial traffic, doubling the Canal’s capacity at an estimated cost of $5.25 billion.

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