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This Day In History1623 – 1st American temperance law enacted, Virginia.

1774 – John Hancock delivers the fourth annual Massacre Day oration, a commemoration of the Boston Massacre, and denounces the presence of British troops in Boston, enhancing Hancock’s stature as a leading Patriot.

1821 – Monroe is 1st US President inaugurated on March 5th, because 4th was on Sunday.

1856 – Georgia becomes 1st state to regulate railroads.

1868 – US Senate organizes to decide charges against President Andrew Johnson.

1894 – Seattle authorizes 1st municipal employment office in US.

1923 – Montana & Nevada become 1st states to enact old age pension laws.

1924 – Computing-Tabulating-Recording Corp becomes IBM.

1933 – FDR proclaims 10-day holiday.

1945 – US 7th Army Corps captures Cologne.

1946 – Winston Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech in Fulton, Missouri, popularizes the term and draws attention to the division in Europe.

1959 – Iran & US sign economic & military treaty.

1968 – US launches Solar Explorer 2 to study the Sun.

1979 – Voyager 1’s closest approach to Jupiter (172,000 miles)

1981 – US government grants Atlanta $1 million to search for black boy murderer.

1989 – 19th Easter Seal Telethon raises $37,002,000.

1992 – Ethic committee votes to reveal congressmen who bounced checks.

1996 – Earl Weaver & Jim Bunning elected to Hall of Fame.

2013 – The Dow Jones surpasses its 2007 pre-financial crisis levels for the first time.

2013 – Willcom announces the world’s smallest mobile phone, weighing 32 grams.

2017 – US President Donald Trump in a tweet accuses former President Obama without offering any evidence of wiretapping Trump Towers during the presidential campaign.

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