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1738 – John Wesley is converted, launching the Methodist movement; celebrated annually by Methodists as Aldersgate Day.

1830 – “Mary Had A Little Lamb” by Sarah Josepha Hale is first published by Boston firm Marsh, Capen & Lyon.

1844 – Samuel Morse taps out “What hath God wrought” in the world’s first telegraph message.

1899 – 1st auto repair shop opens (Boston)

1915 – Thomas Edison invents telescribe to record telephone conversations.

1931 – 1st air-conditioned train installed – B&O Railroad.

1954 – 1st rocket attains 150 miles altitude, White Sands, New Mexico.

1954 – IBM announces vacuum tube “electronic” brain that could perform 10 million operations an hour.

1958 – United Press and International News Service merge into United Press International.

1962 – M. Scott Carpenter aboard Aurora 7 launched into Earth orbit.

1964 – 18th Tony Awards: Luther & Hello Dolly win.

1964 – Longest Home Run (471″) in Baltimore Memorial Stadium (Harmon Killebrew, Minnesota)

1965 – Supreme Court declares federal law allowing post office to intercept communist propaganda is unconstitutional.

1976 – 1st commercial SST flight to North America (Concorde to Washington, D.C.)

1978 – American management consultant Marilyn Loden first coins the term “glass ceiling” to describe invisible career barriers for women.

1997 – STS 84 (Atlantis 19), lands.

2001 – The Democrats gain control of the U.S. Senate for the first time since 1994 when Senator James Jeffords of Vermont abandons the Republican Party and declares himself an independent.

2018 – Record US fentanyl seizure of 120 lbs confirmed by police in Nebraska in April, enough to kill 26 million people, one of largest drug busts in US history.

2018 – US President Donald Trump cancels summit with North and South Korea because of hostile statements from North Korea.

2018 – US President Donald Trump signs into law the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Relief Protection Act easing financial regulations and reducing oversight for banks.

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