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This Day In History
1817 – US soldiers attack Florida Indian Village, beginning Seminole War.
1870 – NY Times dubs baseball “The National Game”
1889 – 1st permit issued to drive a car through Central Park (Curtis P. Brady)
1890 – 1st signal box for San Francisco Police Department goes into operation.
1910 – NY’s Penn Station opens as world’s largest railway terminal.
1924 – In New York City, the first Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is held.
1941 – Joe DiMaggio is named AL MVP.
1948 – Honda 1st opens in America.
1956 – 1957 NFL Draft: Paul Hornung from University of Notre Dame first pick by Green Bay Packers.
1960 – CBS radio cancels “Have Gun Will Travel”
1961 – The Everly Brothers were inducted into the U.S. Marines Corps Reserves.
1970 – Pope Paul VI wounded in chest during a visit to Philippines by a dagger-wielding Bolivian painter disguised as a priest.
1977 – “Comedy with Music (Victor Borge)” closes at Imperial NY after 66 performances.
1985 – Bobby Brown announced that he was leaving New Edition.  He had been voted out of the group.
1989 – US 63rd manned space mission STS 33 (Discovery 9) returns from space.
1991 – “Peter Pan” opens at Minskoff Theater NYC for 48 performances.
1997 – Lions’ Barry Sanders becomes NFL’s 2nd all-time rusher.
2013 – Tiger Woods is named PGA Tour’s player of the year for the 11th time.
2013 – “Frozen”, the highest-grossing animated film of all time, starring Idina Menzel and Kristen Bell, is released.
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