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This Day In History1825 – 1st Italian opera in US, “Barber of Seville” premieres (NYC)
1847 – Indians kill Washington state pioneers  Marcus & Narcissa Whitman, and 12 others in Walla Walla, Oregon.
1877 – US inventor Thomas Edison demonstrates his hand-cranked phonograph for the first time.
1887 – US receives rights to Pearl Harbor, on Oahu, Hawaii.
1910 – The first US patent for inventing the traffic lights system is issued to Ernest Sirrine.
1932 – Cole Porter’s musical “Gay Divorcee” premieres in NYC.
1933 – 1st state liquor stores authorized (Pennsylvania)
1942 – US rations coffee.
1944 – John Hopkins hospital performs 1st open heart surgery.
1953 – American Airlines begins 1st regular commercial NY to LA air service.
1961 – John A McCone replace Allen W. Dulles as 6th director of CIA.
1963 – LBJ sets up Warren Commission to investigate assassination of JFK.
1964 – Roman Catholic Church in US replaces Latin with English.
1971 – 1st pro golf championship at Walt Disney World.
1981 – “My Fair Lady” closes at Uris Theater NYC after 119 performances.
1987 – Joe Montana of 49ers completes NFL record 22 consecutive passes.
1995 – CNN/fn, the financial network by Turner Enterprises, launched.
1995 – US President Bill Clinton lifts ban on exports of oil from the Alaskan North Slope; the ban was imposed after the oil embargo by Arab oil producers in 1973.
1997 – OPEC agrees to an increase in its production ceiling, OPEC has raised the ceiling to 27.5 million barrels per day for the first half of 1998.
2014 – 79th Iron Bowl: Alabama beats Auburn 55-44 in Tuscaloosa.
Author: bladenonline

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