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This Day In History1587—A second English colony was established on Roanoke Island off North Carolina.  The colony vanished under mysterious circumstances.
1796—Cleveland, Ohio was founded by General Moses Cleaveland.
1926—Babe Ruth caught a baseball at Mitchell Field in New York.  The ball had been dropped from an airplane flying at 250 feet.
1933—Wiley Post ended his around-the-world flight. He had traveled 15,596 miles in 7 days, 18 hours and 45 minutes.
1937—The US Senate rejected President Roosevelt’s proposal to add more justices to the Supreme Court.
1941—Plans for the Pentagon were presented to the House Subcommittee on Appropriations.
1942—The United States government begins compulsory civilian gasoline rationing due to the wartime demands.
1955—Billboards #1 Rock’n’Roll Hit: Rock Around the Clock.
1975—Confederate General Robert E. Lee had is US citizenship restored by the US Congress.
1991—Jeffrey Dahmer is arrested in Milwaukee after police discover human remains in his apartment.
2000—Astronomers at the University of Arizona announced that they had found a 17th moon orbiting Jupiter.
2003—Members of the 101st Airborne of the United States, aided by Special Forces, attack a compound in Iraq, killing Saddam Hussein’s sons Uday and Qusay, along with Mustapha Hussien, Qusay’s 14 year old son and a bodyguard.
2004—The September 11 commission’s final report was released.  The 575-page report concluded that hijackers exploited “deep institutional failings within our government.”  The report was released to White House officials the day before.
2009—The longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century, lasting up to 6 minutes and 38.8 seconds, occurred over parts of Asia and the Pacific Ocean.
2011—Space Shuttle Atlantis landed successfully at Kennedy Space Center after completing STS-135.  It was the final flight of NASA’s space shuttle program.
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