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This Day In History
1699 – Pirate Captain William Kidd is captured in Boston.
1775 – Congress issues “Declaration of the Causes & Necessity of Taking up Arm,” listing grievances but denying intent to be independent.
1776 – American Declaration of Independence announced on front page of “PA Evening Gazette.”
1785 – Congress unanimously resolves US currency named “dollar” & adopts decimal coinage.
1848 – Mexican-American War ended with the Treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo.
1858 – Lyman Blake patents shoe manufacturing machine.
1885 – Louis Pasteur successfully tests an anti-rabies vaccine.
1892 – Striking steel workers in Homestead, Pa, fire on scabs, killing 7.
1898 – US Senate agrees to annex Hawaii.
1904 – The US Democratic Party nominates little known New York judge Alton B. Parker for presidential nominee – virtually assuring the election of Theodore Roosevelt.
1924 – 1st photo sent experimentally across Atlantic by radio, US-England.
1932 – 1st class postage back up to 3 cents from 2 cents.
1941 – NY Yankees unveil a monument to Lou Gehrig in centerfield.
1944 – 170 die in a fire at Ringling Bros Circus in Hartford, Conn.
1945 – US President Harry Truman signs executive order establishing Medal of Freedom.
1965 – Rock group “Jefferson Airplane” forms.
1979 – 86th Wimbledon Women’s Tennis: Martina Navratilova beats Chris Evert (6-4,6-4)
1983 – Supreme Court rules retirement plans can’t pay women less.
1993 – John F. Kennedy, Jr., gives notice of quitting as ADA in Manhattan.
2013 – 3 people are killed and 181 are injured after a Boeing 777 crash lands at San Francisco Airport.

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