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1630 – 1st colonial legislation prohibiting gambling enacted (Boston)

1841 – A method for alkali starch extraction is patented in the US by Orlando Jones, which is later applied to corn (cornstarch)

1871 – William Holden of North Carolina becomes 1st governor removed by impeachment.

1903 – Niagara Falls runs out of water because of a drought.

1903 – US Anthracite Coal Commission, set up by President Theodore Roosevelt, submits its recommendations for shorter hours, a 10-cent wage increase, and an ‘open shop’

1917 – The USA is the first nation to recognize the new government of Russia.

1933 – FDR makes wine & beer with up to 3.2% alcohol legal.

1935 – Blood tests authorized as evidence in court cases (NY).

1946 – 1st US rocket to leave the Earth’s atmosphere (50 miles up)

1954 – Northland Center, the world’s largest shopping mall of the time, opens in Oakpark, Michigan.

1960 – 1st patent for lasers granted to Arthur Schawlow & Charles Townes.

1965 – US confirms its troops used chemical warfare against the Vietcong.

1972 – Congress approves Equal Rights Amendment (never ratified)

1972 – In Eisenstadt v. Baird the US Supreme Court rules unmarried people have same right to contraception as married people.

1978 – Karl Wallenda of the Flying Wallendas dies after falling off a tight-rope between two hotels in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

1988 – US Congress overrides President Reagan’s veto of sweeping civil rights bill.

1996 – STS 76 (Atlantis 16), launches into orbit.

2014 – 43 people are killed by a mudslide in Oso, Washington.

2014 – The US and EU impose sanctions on Russia.

2018 – US President Donald Trump imposes $60 billion worth of tariffs on Chinese products.


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