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1797 – Nathaniel Briggs of New Hampshire patents a washing machine.

1845 – Mexico drops diplomatic relations with US.

1866 – 1st ambulance goes into service.

1881 – “Greatest Show On Earth” was formed by PT Barnum & James A Bailey.

1885 – US Salvation Army officially organized.

1922 – 1st microfilm device introduced.

1924 – WGN-AM in Chicago IL. begins radio transmissions.

1935 – Robert Goddard uses gyroscopes to control a rocket.

1946 – Cold War: The United States State Department releases the Acheson-Lilienthal Report, outlining a play for the international control of nuclear power.

1948 – 2nd Tony Awards: Mister Roberts is winner.

1978 – Daryl Gates becomes the 49th Chief of Los Angeles Police Department.

1979 – Major nuclear accident at 3 mile Island, Middletown, Pennsylvania (no deaths).

1982 – 12th Easter Seal Telethon raises $19,500,000.

1985 – STS 51-D vehicle moves to launch pad.

1990 – US President George G.W. Bush posthumously awards Jesse Owens the Congressional Gold Medal.

1992 – Ann Transon runs female world record 50k (3:35:31)

2000 – Murray County, Georgia, school bus is hit by a CSX freight train (3 children die in this accident).

2009 – The first cases of H1N1 swine flu in the United States occur in two people in California.

2017 – US confirms likely it is behind the air strike in Mosul, Iraq that led to collapse of a building that killed more than 100 civilians.

2017 – US President Donald Trump signs Energy Independence executive order undoing Obama climate-control measures.

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