1843 – Mt. Ranier in Washington State erupts.
1865 – PT Barnum’s New American museum opens in Bridgeport.
1865 – US issues 1st gold certificates.
1875 – Harvard-Yale game is 1st college football contest with uniforms.
1895 – First shipment of canned pineapple from Hawaii.
1909 – Collier’s magazine accuses US Secretary of the Interior Richard Ballinger of questionable dealings in Alaskan coal fields.
1920 – Hudson River frozen at Albany.
1937 – NBC forms first full-sized symphony orchestra exclusively for radio.
1940 – Walt Disney’s animated film “Fantasia” released.
1942 – Minimum draft age lowered from 21 to 18.
1952 – False fingernails 1st sold.
1965 – “Skyscraper” opens at Lunt Fontanne Theater NYC for 248 performances.
1970 – VP Spiro Agnew calls TV executives “impudent snobs.”
1977 – Final Al Capp comic strip of “Li’l Abner” (1934-77).
1980 – US spacecraft Voyager 1 sends back 1st close-up pictures of Saturn.
1982 – Vietnam War Memorial dedicated in Washington, DC.
1986 – US President Reagan confesses weapon sales to Iran.
1994 – 44th NASCAR Sprint Cup: Dale Earnhardt wins.
1997 – Ken Griffey, Jr. unanimously wins AL MVP.
2001 – US President George W. Bush orders that the Strategic Petroleum Reserve be filled to capacity over the next few years.