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RALEIGH – The following are highlights from this week at the N.C. Department of Transportation. The stories below are also featured in NCDOT Now, the department’s weekly newscast.

NCDOT Halts Construction for the Holidays

NCDOT is suspending most construction activity along its major highways to keep lanes open for those traveling through the holidays.

The work along interstates, as well as U.S. and key N.C. routes is expected to shut down from the morning of Dec. 18 through the evening of Dec. 29 and then again from the morning of Dec. 31 through the evening of Jan. 5.

There are some exceptions where construction conditions make it unsafe to open all lanes. This includes some locations where lanes are under construction or where a bridge is being replaced. Work that does not impact travel lanes can continue for some projects.

Before you head out, go to driveNC.gov for the most up-to-date traffic information.

Holiday Booze It & Lose It

It’s always important that if you plan to drink, you don’t drive. As part of the Governor’s Highway Safety Program, more state and local law enforcement officers will patrol day and night to catch impaired drivers behind the wheel throughout the holidays. The annual holiday ‘Booze It & Lose It’ campaign runs now through Jan. 5.

NCDMV Moves to New HQ in Rocky Mount

The N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles has moved into its new headquarters in Rocky Mount. Occupying five buildings along Church Street are administrative offices for licenses, vehicle titles and registration, customer compliance, business services, license and theft, and human resources among others.

The DMV will hold nearly 500 workers at its new headquarters and is currently looking to hire more than 100 temporary and permanent positions. To learn more about the DMV’s job openings, go to oshr.nc.gov.

For more information about NCDOT Now, contact the NCDOT Communications Office at (919) 707-2660. Additional news stories from throughout the week can be found on NCDOT.gov.

Author: BladenOnline

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