The Thanksgiving season is a great time to count our many blessings…should do it year round and some do…sort of…
I am among men most richly blessed.
Filing season for many political offices begins at 12 noon Tuesday, December 1. and continues til noontime, Monday, December 21, 2016.
Will be listing the offices to be voted on over the next few days….
The rumor mill indicates at least two current commissioners will not seek re-election. Dr. Delilah Blanks and Billy Ray Pait have indicated they will retire. Both are long time members. Four others are likely to seek another 4 year term, they include Michael Cogdell, Jimmie Smith, Daniel Dowless and Wayne Edge. Nothing is official until the filing season ends.
Some, maybe all, will face opposition. The Board has faced numerous issues in recent years that have caused property taxes to be raised over 10%. The big issue was the decision to build a new detention center. Another issue looming in the future is what to do about the school situation. Commissioners are not likely to make any move until the Board of Education makes a decision on consolidation.
If you are unhappy about how things are going, time to step up and make yourself available, or find another candidate who is. Not recruiting, but if you are not willing to make yourself available, don’t want to hear your belly-aching. (good Bladen County expression) It’s all about who you want in charge of your local government business with a $51 million annual budget.
As many smart shops, early morning hangouts, as we have in this county where most have all the answers, the line to file should be a long one for Board of Commissioners and Board of Education.
Commissioners will elected a chairman at their next meeting on December 7. Rumor mill indicates Charles Ray Peterson may be re-elected for another year. With nine members on the board, expect more than one candidate. It is all about the first person who can get five votes.
30 degrees at 6 AM this morning with frost on rooftops and on lawns, made it look like winter.
Education and intelligence aren’t the same thing!
Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there (Will Rogers)
Enthusiasm can be like a fire that needs an occasional poke with a stick.

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