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Thoughts While ShavingKeep thinking the FBI report related to the death of Lennon Lacy will be coming down soon….No reason to think so, maybe just hopeful…

Marvin and Marsha Burney are special folks… After a couple of kidney transplants that failed, Marvin is back on dialysis and has received over 2,500 treatments in his lifetime… Both move forward with a positive attitude…
We have some great students in our Bladen County School system…Abby Norris is a perfect example..
Looking for something exciting to do this weekend?  Check our list of Events..
Youngsters still have time to sign up for Bladen Mission 2015.  The dates are June 14 though the 18th.  This years headquarters will be Wesley’s Chapel multi-purpose building.  The youngsters will be doing mission work in the area  It is a non-denominational effort.  The cost is $50 and adults are needed to assist…Call 910-874-0601 for details….
Our temps are on the rise…expected to be in the 90s over the next 10 days…with Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday expected to be in the range of 96 degrees… ‘caution’ is the word…
Carolina Crossroads will be a blessing for many…for those dealing with addictions…David Chesnutt and Rev. Bruce Cannon are busy  preparing for an official opening on July 1… A much needed service…
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.    Og Mandino
No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.   William Blake
If you can dream it, you can do it.   Walt Disney
It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. Confucius
robert g hester
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