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Thoughts While ShavingWOW, Yesterday’s high temperature of 98 broke a record for the date (96) that was set in 2010. 
Today, we are expecting another record breaker…Our record high for June 16 is 98 degrees in 1981.  Today’s temp is expected to reach or exceed 100 degrees….You may be tough, but you may lose the battle….This will not be a good day to be a hero by ignoring cautions related to the weather….
Some activities are being postponed, others cancelled…others moving at a slower pace…and if the weather folks are right….Temps in the mid to upper 90’s are in the forecast for the next 10 days….
Bladen County commissioners have scheduled another budget work shop….for Monday, June 22.  They obviously are getting closer to adoption of the document….Expect a tax rate increase….With a new jail being constructed, a reval that reflects lower values in some areas…an increase in others…and a Legislature still in session that is not certain of the state budget that has a huge effect on the locals, not good……My guess is this has been one of the toughest budget efforts in many years…and it is not done yet….
Are you getting strange calls from “strange” folks…Had one last night….checked the numbers and learned that the numbers are not “legit.”  One had nearly 50 concerns listed, the other…my complaint was # 2…
Anger is a condition in which the tongue work faster than the mind.
If anyone speaks badly of you, live so that none will believe it.
“There is no royal road to anything.  One thing at a time, all things in succession.  That which grows fast, withers rapidly.  That which grows slowly, endures.”  Josiah Gilbert Holland
“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, I used everything you gave me.”  Erma Bombeck
robert g hester
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