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Have been away for a few days and between technology I was not comfy with and my lack of knowledge, I discovered some of what I thought I sent was not sent…
Happy Fathers Day….Hope you have an opportunity to spend some time with your father today….realize many are deceased..but we have them in our memories…
Wikepedia (the online encyclopedia says, Father’s Day is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society.  Many countries celebrate on the third Sundayin June, though it is also celebrated widely on other days by many other countries…..Knew you would want to know that.
One of the first celebrations of Father’s Day was by Anna Jarvis in Fairmont, West Virginia a couple months after the establishment of Mother’s Day….There were numerous other attempts to establish Father’s Day over the next few years…
Today is also the first day of summer and the Hester research staff (1) has been busy gathering information related to the topic….
We already knew it was the longest day of the year.  Sunrise in Bladen County, according to the research team, is5:35 a.m. or near that time and sunset is 8:37 p.m. or close to that time.  The Hester research team is not exactly sure…The National Climatic Data Center estimates there will be 14 hours and 39 minutes between sunrise and sunset today…
And here is the kicker, Our temps have been in the 90’s for the past several days….Justine Griener writing in the Washington Post says, and I quote, “The hottest days of summer usually don’t arrive for another few weeks.”  According to a chart that accompanied the information, the hottest days for Bladen County are July 11-20th.  That is based on the average highs from 1981-2010.
If this hot weather continues, doubting Thomases’ may begin to respect the thoughts of former Vice President Al Gore…and the Hester Research team guesses this may be the hottest June on record, unless we have a blizzard over the next 10 days or so.
To much time off leaves one to ponder….
Becoming a father is easy enough, but being one can be very rough.
Being a great father is like shaving.  No matter how good you shaved today, you may have to do it again tomorrow.
Any fool can be a Father, but it takes a real man to be a daddy!!  Philip Whitmore
My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.  Jim Valvano
Happy Father’s Day.
robert g hester

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