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Thoughts While Shaving80 degrees at 5 a.m. in Bladen County this morning………High today…near 100 degrees…Heat Index Values…up to 109…
Commissioners covered a wide range of topics at their Monday evening meeting…We have posted some and there is more to come…Among the items already online….a Resolution honoring Ben Greene…for his contributions to Elizabethtown and Bladen County…much of his efforts few knew about…among his most recent…support in many ways of the Elizabethtown Industrial Park….
How about Zack Johnson’s play in the British Open?…He won in a playoff….a stroke better than 21 year old Jordan Speith.
Our Bladen youth continue to play baseball and softball…See our sports page….
The West Bladen Dixie Pre-Majors team, North Carolina champs, will head south later this week for the World Series in Alabama.  If all goes as planned, BladenOnline will provide live coverage….using Scorecast….exciting technology….The Bladen County team will play Alabama in their first game….Much more later…
Superior Court is underway in Bladen County….Hope to have an update of some of the trials.
Construction continues at the intersection of US 701 and NC 87 bypass south of Elizabethtown….701 will be beneath 87….Over $13 million project should be complete in the fall of 2017….No stoplight when completed….
We appreciate the efforts of Kenneth L. Clark, NCDOT to keep travelers updated on other local construction….We post them as soon as we receive. Hope it is helpful…
Jealousy and envy….are deadly to the mind.
Seek the greatness in life, ignore the rest.
Love begins in the heart and radiates out into the whole world.
Smile and you change the world one little bit.
We are here to learn
robert g hester
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