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Thoughts While ShavingThe big yellow buses return to the road, loaded with eager youngsters headed back to school. Please drive with care, watch for children along the roadway waiting for the bus…and a reminder, passing a stopped school bus is dangerous, illegal, could cost cash, and maybe your driver’s license, and it should. If you do the crime, you should pay the price…

Was there any memorable school year that began with a ‘bang’ in your early days?

So how was your weekend? Busy at the Hester household…on the road again…but fun…did miss my weekend routine…

Check our Events section…several church announcements…

And on our sports page…..John Clark post the daily sporting events, mostly related to schools this time of year…On Friday night, Whiteville’s football team comes to East Bladen and West Bladen travels to West Columbus…Both the local teams sport 1-0 records after one game.

We have heard about the need to replace bridges statewide for many years…You do not need to travel far to see many have been built and more are underway…A good move, but expensive…for NCDOT.

Labor Day is just a couple of weeks away…a fast summer season is coming to a close…

Anyone feeling better after last week’s stock market ‘crash?’ We never learn…

Funny one-liners:

A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries.

Chocolate: the other major food group.

Generally speaking, you aren’t learning much when your mouth is moving.

If you lend someone $20, and never see that person again: it was probably worth it.


robert g hester

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