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Thoughts While ShavingThis is a most wonderful time of the year…..Our temps are expected to be in the 90s for the next two or three days, then temps return to Labor Day type weather…with highs in the mid-80s and lows in the mid to upper 60s…

Speaking of Labor Day, a reminder of the popular Side Walk Sale by E-town merchants…Our local merchants…will be offering …seasonal merchandise at greatly reduced prices…The street will be lined with bargains and people…

It’s better to offer the items at reduced prices than hold them over to next season…

Good merchants offer great bargains…fairly priced…

A few thoughts related to BladenOnline. We have just concluded the best month ever for visits and users…according to Google Analytics…More to come later…I hear occasionally about folks giving their products away…Reminds me of what my friends have told me for years…The folks that offer a basket of items for nothing or near nothing…obviously, know the value of their product…Take the freebees, but if you want results in advertising, better look for the product that reaches the people and produces results…BladenOnline produces results…and Google Analytics provides the proof.

Call Charlotte Smith at 910-876-5393 for details….

As we grow older, seems more of our friends are dealing with serious health issues…If you have good health, you are fortunate…Give thanks…

You know about that little indestructible black box that is used on planes, why can’t they make the whole plane out of the same substance?

Why must the phrase, “It is none of my business,” always be followed by, but?

I don’t want to say this Bear Market is bad, but—-even that paid vacation with my wife’s family is starting to sound better.

robert g hester

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