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Thoughts While ShavingMaybe we are experiencing our last 90 degree-plus days for 2015. Love those mid 80 daytime highs….

Every weekend is busy in Bladen…remember the Side Walk Sale…and check our Events section for other weekend plans…Check the sports activities related to our schools…The schedules are at the bottom of our sports page.

I enjoy checking all our pages…Lifestyles, Church Announcements, News, Sports… BladenOnline has it all…

Hope you will check our Sports section…I discovered an old Southeastern Times from 1977 with a list of 50 Dixie Youth teams in the county…We are sharing the list of players and coaches, plus the list of advertisers who sponsored the pages…38 years later, many merchants remain in business…Check the line-ups…wonder where the players and coaches are now…We have a couple of those articles on our Sports page now, we will continue to add to that list for 3 or 4 more days…Only on BladenOnline.

The latest School Report Card is not good…After I received a “not so good” report card; adjustments were undertaken at the Hester household. It is not an easy task, but one that must involve the whole system, including students, parents, teachers, administration and Board of Ed…I know times have changed, but the need for a good education has not…

If you don’t have time to do it right, you must have time to do it over.

If you depend on others to make you happy, you will be endlessly disappointed.

The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything.

robert g hester

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