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Thoughts While ShavingThe 23rd Annual Dublin Peanut Festival will be held today beginning at 10 a.m. with a parade down NC 87….For the entire line-up of events and to learn more about the festival, the folks involved and how they work year-round and share their proceeds with the area….visit their website… www.dublinpeanutfestival.com. It will be one big festive occasion at Dublin School, hosted by volunteers. Stay a while or all day long…

If you missed the East Bladen-Laney football game last night, you missed the most exciting football game in the area this year. Laney failed totally on offense for most of the first half when they came ‘roaring back’. The Eagles won by a touchdown….Laney is as good 1-4 football team around…

How about an international cocaine trafficking operation operating in Bladen County since 2008. See the news release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office on this page….Nine Bladen County residents plead guilty and will have food and shelter provided for up to 15 years. And, my guess is, there are other such operations in the area…Don’t know, but bet someone has filled the ‘supplier’ gap in the area. Thanks to all who worked to ‘bust’ the group…and send them away….

The school closing situation is tough for all….Orders for education to close some schools….the effort is being lambasted…Been in similar situation years ago…..Happy to be on the sidelines…..It is no fun for the Administration, the board members, the public….but tough decisions must be made….may need to take another look at the options…

54 years ago we celebrated the birth of our first born….We will celebrate again tomorrow at the home of #2 son….Happy Birthday Rick and thanks John C. for hosting this years get-to-gether…..It has been a good trip for the old folks…..

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is to celebrate. Oprah Winfrey

The greatest gift you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence. Denis Waitley

Age is a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it don’t matter. Satchel Paige

robert g hester

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