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Thoughts While ShavingHope you enjoy this last day of summer….Weather should be more autumn like…Slight chance of rain in the A.M…..Mostly cloudy…..wind from the north at about 9 to 14 mph and gusts as high as 20…Should blow a few leaves off the trees……..

The big news nationally will likely include coverage of the Pope’s to the US….He promotes acts of kindness…How about all of us doing at least one good deed for someone today?

Continuing my visits to prior years…Today a look at the DSA Banquet for the Elizabethtown Jaycees on January 17, 1984….

Glen Daly was President, VP’s included John Fox, Kent Dunn, and Charles Corbett. Secretary was Robin Fassnacht, Treasurer was Charles Royal. Dan Allen was State Director. Directors were Richard Crozier, Breece Horton, McRay Simmons and Cliff Hester. Gary Grady was Past President. Speakers were Sen. R.C. Soles and Carl Stewart.

Jaycee Awards
Outstanding Young Farmer:  Ronnie Huggins
Outstanding Young Educator:  Sharon Tolbert
Outstanding Young Rescuer:  Steve Rumbley
Outstanding Young Firefighter:  Woody Lancaster
Outstanding Young Law Enforcer:  Lewis Hatcher

Jaycette Awards
Wanda S. Campbell Award:  Rosa LeSane
Outstanding Youth:  Greg Moore
Outstanding Senior Citizen:  Mrs. Mabel Fisher
Outstanding Young Woman:  Martha Cross Bostic

Winfred B. Johnson Award:  Jim Schultz
Distinguished Service Award:  Paul Auton

Jaycee Creed
We Believe
That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life,
That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations,
That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise,
That government should be of laws, rather than of men,
That earth’s great treasure lies in human personality,
That service to humanity is the best work of life.

Friendship should not be sought, but is usually found both by chance and good luck.

The road to a friends house is never long. (Swedish proverb)

The time to ensure that the toilet works is before you really need it.

robert g hester

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