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I like to think that what we (BladenOnline) do is provide news you can use…..

Elizabethtown Middle School held their first reverse raffle last night at the school…and I was pleased to have been ask to assist in the drawing….have assisted in other venues…such as both high schools on numerous occasions, Dixie Youth fundraisers, Junior Beta Club a couple of times in Bladenboro, at UNC-Pembroke fundraisers….maybe others…..but the point of all that is to say….our schools must have outside sources of revenue….They can no longer be just a place of learning….must know how to raise money and spend some time doing it…Wish it were not true…but that’s the way it is….Private and Charter included….They just make their pitch to a different group of parents……

E-town Middle hopefully can now concentrate on education and have a few bucks to do some things that need to be done for the children….No different here from any place I know…Our government is suppose to provide the opportunity for a quality education for all students….If that were true, maybe educators would not have to concentrate on fund-raisers…..But, parents, educators and the public responded to the effort…and we all say THANKS…

West Bladen’s high school’s fundraiser is set for Saturday, November 14 and tickets are on sale….Contact Jimmy Schultz for details…

Guess we all dream…day dream about something near and dear to our hearts…and then there are the night time dreams….Last night, I dreamed I was ask to take “clabber” someplace. Know what clabber is????…some type milk product or by product……not sure of the spelling…I carried it wherever I was suppose to ….but did not place in the proper place….Left it on a table….Someone found it several hours later….spoiled I guess….How can you spoil clabber? And I was talked ugly to…..Me, a senior citizen….Heck, everyone knows the memory no long exist……Just a dream…thank goodness…..Bottom line….anything I am ask to do, someone needs to follow up and make sure it is done #1 and #2, be done as it should be.

I looked it up in the dictionary and Webster defines clabber as thick, sour milk; curdled milk.

Early voting continues the coming week in the Municipal Elections….Some where I saw that about 60% of the voters cast their votes early….So if those seeking election or re-election, seem to be really friendly…you know why….They want your vote and it is voting season….

I look forward to the weekend…..We (BladenOnline), receive new numbers related to how many have been reading our news….We set a target, sort of, of over 100,000 views of the paper. Google Analytics does the counting….This is fun….and we remain #1….You can’t do it without an all out effort to cover what’s happening in BLADEN COUNTY for BLADEN COUNTY residents by BLADEN COUNTY folks…….

Just remember with BladenOnline….The Best Is Yet To Come….

What gives the real artist prestige is his/her imitators. Igor Stravinsky

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Generosity is contagious. In fact, a single act of kindness can inspire several more acts of generoslty.

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