Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving
Well, well, another birthday has come and gone…..another coming shortly.  That is what happens as you age.  Thanks to all for messages.
Keep driving by the site of the Detention Center thinking that some progress has been made….none yet, but know it is coming, hopefully soon.
Filing for the next election begins noontime, 2 weeks from today.  The whole election process has been moved from May to March..  The last day to add your name to the ballot is Monday, December 21.
Among the offices to be filled….3 county-wide or at-large seats on the Board of Commissioners, and 3 district seats on the board.  6 out of 9 commissioners seats up for election.
3 district seats will be decided on the Board of Education.  Superior and District judge seats, NC House and Senate, US House and Senate,  District , Soil & Water Conservation Board and President of the USA.
Let the campaigns begin….Ads will begin soon paid for by anonymous individuals and groups.
So, how are you doing?  For the working class, ever feel like you are supporting those that do not, will not work, but appear to be doing as well as you are?  Frustrating, just can’t do enough for the free-loaders.  And for some it appears to be the 2nd and 3rd generation of making no effort to provide for themselves or their families…Some know how to make babies, but no effort to support them.  Really frustrating.
Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.  Margaret Lee Runbeck
You’re happiest while you’re making the greatest contribution.  Robert Kennedy
Years teach us more than books.  Berthold Auerbach
robert g hester

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