Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingHave friends, family, co-workers who are forever making negative comments….about any and everything?  They do little, and only see the dark side of everything and everyone….Make you want to scream?  They walk among us….Remember what my mom would say….If you can’t say something nice about someone, say nothing….

Preliminary work is underway around the US 701-NC 87 by-pass intersection south of Elizabethtown….A $13.2 million upgrade was recently approved by NCDOT.  About 14,000 vehicles travel the road daily…Construction should be complete by September 2017.  US 701 will go beneath the NC 87 bypass…..Example…701-74 bypass in Whiteville or 701-421 bypass in Clinton…Will be nice…no stop lights, but lots of stops and starts over the next 30 or so months….Your gas tax at work…
NCDOT is spending big bucks in the county….2 new bridges over the Cape Fear River…NC 11 in the east and near Tar Heel in the western part of the county…Not sure of the cost, my guess, between $35 and $45 million on three three projects….
The number of folks unemployed (that are included in officials numbers) may be exceeded only by those employed in the illegal drug business…sad, so sad….
Chris Ellis, Bladen County Tax Administrator, made an interesting presentation on property and personal taxes, to county commissioners last night….Commissioners become the Board of Equalization and Review after new property values are received….Much to be done as they go through the budget process…
It’s a privilege to be able to pay taxes.  And if taxes keep rising, I may have to give up the privilege!
America is a land of untold wealth.  Most of it untold on the tax forms.
Where there’s a will, there’s an Inheritance tax
robert g hester

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