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Thoughts While Shaving  The day before Thanksgiving and so much to do, but mostly fun things as we look forward to sharing time with family and friends.
For addicted shoppers, Thanksgiving Day is just one obstacle to overcome or live through before Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year.
I have no desire to go anywhere to shop, sorry, part of my DNA.  If that were to ever change, I would shop at home.  Can’t imagine being ‘pushed and shoved’ by huge crowds in large shopping areas, but to each his own.  Just be safe and aware of everything and everyone around you.
The economy appears ready to move forward on an ‘upbeat’, then hits the pause button.  Locally, a fair amount of construction is underway….a positive.
Sharing comments with farmers and owners of farm related businesses, 2015 has been a ‘tough’ year for many and Bladen County depends greatly on the success of the farming community.  Still much to be thankful for, and looking ahead, hopeful of a better 2016.
Tuesday is a big day for politicians and hopefuls.  The first day of filing for political offices from the courthouse to the White House.
The filing date and primary elections have been moved forward so North Carolina may play a bigger role in the selection of presidential candidates.
I remember, many years ago when I was a candidate for county commissioner.  It was a big moment in my life, one I enjoyed, so much responsibility and I discovered in a county of about 32,000 residents back in 1974, there are about 32,000 different ideas on how to deal the many opportunities that faced the board.  $’s were limited then, as they are now.  I enjoyed serving for 8 years.  It was an educational process, serving with 4 others.  Can’t imagine working with 8 others, that’s about 4 to many.
No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.  Author unknown
He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.  Epictetus
Find the good and praise it.  Alex Haley
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