Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving

It’s Back to School for teachers and students today.  Be aware of the buses on local roads.

Cold weather arrived with our new calendar.  December was one of the warmest months on record for this area, but the early days of January have been more winter like.

Caused me to think back as a youngster, the oldest of six, my responsibility was to make sure we had enough wood cut to last for at least 24 hours….and that is how much I cut using an ax and with the help of my brothers, a cross cut saw.  Green wood is not a good source of heat in a trash burning heater.  Needless to say, I enjoy the central heat we have today.

Only the more senior citizens remember heating with coal.  You could purchase a 20, maybe 25 pound bag of coal in a tall, brown bag, a major source of heat in the 30s, 40s and 50s.  Never hear of coal being used for home heat today, thank goodness.  Speaking of dirty heat, that is what coal was.

With the presidential race heating up and election day drawing near, I enjoy going back and looking at previous candidates.  Some you think may have been a good public servant and some you wonder about.

Discovered that there have been interesting stories.  Remember Aaron Burr?  He killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel…not sure what type duel.  Burr was Vice President from 1801 to 1805 under President Thomas Jefferson.  Needless to say, Burr’s political career was over.

Presidents Andrew Johnson (1858) and Bill Clinton (1996) were a couple of notables impeached in the US House, but both were acquitted by the Senate.  Clinton was charged with having an extra-marital affair while in office.

President Richard Nixon (1974) resigned before he could be impeached.  He was charged with a cover up related to the Watergate break-in.  His VP, Spiro Agnew was ousted a year earlier in 1973 for taking kick-backs.

The US Constitution, Article II, Section 4 covers Treason, Bribery or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

There is no Democratic or Republican way of cleaning the streets.  Fiorello La Guardia, former Mayor of New York City.

If you want to succeed in politics, you must keep your conscience well under control.  David Lloyd George,  British politician

The greatest thing the Democrats have ever done for me was to defeat me for the governor of Tennessee.  Roy Acuff

robert g hester



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