Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving
Hopefully you remembered to set your clock forward and arrived on time this AM.

The NC Primary election will be held Tuesday.  Based on past history, a high percentage of voters have cast their ballots in Early Voting that ended at 1 p.m. yesterday (Saturday).

I dare not attempt to tell anyone how to vote but please cast a ballot on Tuesday, if you have not already done so. 

The PR folks are busy for some of the national candidates.  News releases are arriving daily, some several times a day.

Social media indicates the body of Felicia Moore Porter was found yesterday.  She was reported missing Friday, March 11 by the Columbus County Sheriff’s Department.  No confirmation or details by authorities at this time.

There are some bad ‘dudes’ all around.

Been thinking about the promise of building a wall between Mexico and the US to stop illegal immigration.  Not saying it will not happen, don’t know, but it will be a long time coming.  It will cost a lot of money and provide many jobs.  Could create a new line of business…..building tunnels. 

America is still a land of promise, especially during a political campaign.  Alfred E. Neuman

To succeed in politics, it is often necessary to rise above your principles.  Anonymous

Politics is not a bad profession: if you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book.  Ronald Reagan.

robert g hester



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