Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving
I enjoy scanning the Internet to learn more about Bladen County.
The latest discovery is Livability.com.  Nothing really new, but interesting stats.
34,915 people live in Bladen County with 14,407 households.  The population is 54% White, 35% Black and 0% Asian.  2% identify as another race or ethnicity, or two or more races.  7% of residents are of Hispanic or Latino origin.  5% of residents are foreign-born.
The median age is 42.0, and the largest number of residents falls into the 25 to 34 age range.  22% of residents are under age 18.  17% are over age 65.  48% of Bladen County’s residents are male (quoting the article).
There are 4,115 married couples without children and another 1,951 married couples with kids under the age of 18.  There are 355 single dads and 1,476 single mothers.  4,457 residents live alone.
The median household income in Bladen County is $29,532, and the per capita income is $19,059 compared with $28,555 for the nation as a whole.  The median home price is $86,100.
Not sure the date of this survey, but hope financials have improved, or will soon.
Did you know that an East Arcadia native was a sparring partner of Muhammad Ali?  79 year old William “Billy” Daniels was a regular in the early 60s.  According to the source I was reading, he now lives in New Hanover and unfortunately suffers from dementia.
Prepare for several more hot days with temps in the 90s.
Keep reading the political rhetoric, and check Fact Check to determine the credibility.  Candidates and supporters are full of “bull” and the Internet provides a source to “add to” and “share.”
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with.  Mark Twain
Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel, go out and buy some more tunnel.  John Quinton
robert g hester

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